Saturday, July 25, 2009

hair stuff

So pretty much my whole life I have constantly gotten compliments about my hair. These people tell me to never cut it or do anything crazy to it...some even threatened to beat me up if I did...and yeah I know that hair enhances a person's( girl's) beauty but that is not all there is to me...infact I find that the least interesting thing about me...I feel that very few people know me truly and have experienced that even when I do try and tell people (mostly guys) what I am interested in and what I do and what is important to me I am still put in a particular category which I want no part in...I am not consumed in my image and have very little respect for those who think that the way they look and who they hang out with makes them some type of elite...I dress how I feel and honestly thats the loudest voice I have yeah lets get back to the put this all in a nutshell, I am sick of my hair and all of the hubulabub that comes with it (no really its a big pain especially after I wash it) I cut it all my bathroom to the tune of this song....

and really thats not the only reason I cut my hair...I have been wanting to do it for some years now and I am really happy cause now I can shake my hair to the beat of a song I also doesnt get caught in anything anymore either... so yeah I dont know how long I will keep it but I really like it and now all I need is some Dr.Martens and a crop top and I will be happy

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