Monday, December 29, 2008

wha wha wha whatttt dogggg

well anywho, it is officially the last tuesday in the year of 2008. Do you know what I'm getting at...hmm, well if you thought to yourself 'new years resolutions' ding ding ding you're thee wienner.hahahaha...hmmm.well I didnt have to think very long and hard to figure out what mine is going to be...actually this is the first year I have ever really been serious about new years resolutions, but during this winter's introspection I have come to the conclusion that I should not talk about people's outfits anymore...what I wear isn't straight from vogue and even if it was who am I to talk about someone's fashion sense. I italicized that because there is a big difference between people who have their own sense of style and the so called fashion lovers...but I'm not gonna get into that right now...but yeah everyone has their own reasons for why they dress the way they do...but I will make one exception to this new years resolution...I will not hold back on those who: dress the way they do for attention, try and copy cultures to fit in, and the murderers of fashion accessories...basically what I'm trying to do is not talk about people's personal style...I think people should dress exactly how they feel as a way to express themself and if that means wearing four different color belts, some leggings, and a tie...and you're a girl because you feel constricted and rebellious in life...go ahead I bet you will feel better if you dress that way...

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Perfect Guy :)

Hmmm...I wouldn't have to search the world for him, I wouldn't have to wait for him...he's ready when I am, there would be no comparison...he lives in his own category,he loves how I dance because he knows that he is the reason I move,i feel a sense of freedom around him...nothing is impossible, my imagination runs wild, he encourages the irrational and improbable...because that is all he really knows.He accepts me for who I am and would never leave me...because he knows he needs me just as much as I need him...he views the world very differently...he is very expressive...he respects everything about me and wants me to be the best I can be...he wants me to experience life and be happy with who I am...he wants me to take chances and live fearlessly...He is the only one I go to when I'm upset because he is my coping mechanism...I could spend hours with him...without him I don't think I could function...if art was in a male human form this is what he would be like in my eyes...and to me he is perfect :)

Monday, December 1, 2008


It is completely understandable to have a healthy self-image, but when you insist on showing, telling, or in most cases writing on the internet about how good you look or about how many pairs of shoes you have. That is NOT COOL. I believe it is important that a person's focus lies on what isn't tangible. For example, family, friends, relationships, or what you do for others. Change your world view from yourself to everyone around you. Giving is way more fulfilling than receiving. Furthermore, what would you do if everything you boast over was taken away. If mother Theresa got all her sandles stolen, it wouldn't matter because what she found important in life, which was helping the sick, sad, and poor in India, can never be taken away. Even after her death she is still remebered. Now don't get me wrong, I love buying shoes, but I realize there is more to life than trying to look better than the next person when I go to school. Yeah I love fashion and dressing up is fun, but I don't act as if I'm better because of what I have. I guess the message that I am trying to convey is nobody cares about what you think you look like and what you have, because in the end you haven't done anything for them and then you will be stuck trying to get more THINGS to get their attention back to you again...its a never ending cycle. Besides the only people that WANT to be around conceited people are shallow, and you don't want to be surrounded by shallow followers do you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

so you say your different...sure you are


So today I was walking back to my dorm when I saw this girl with orange and red and dad did always tell me it was okay if you are different, don't be afraid to be yourself...but now I wonder is this effort to be "different" forced. Is that really who you are, or are you behaving in this manner, dressing the way you do, to get attention and to say that "i dont follow the crowd, you'll never see me jumpin on that bandwagon". This got me to thinkin'...okay if everyone was born with purple and green hair, would you dye your hair brown and blonde because it would be different...i think yes, yes they would....i guess you would be right if you said I was venting because those who truly have gone through life dancing to the beat of their own drummer would find it offensive to see someone perpetrating being unique. It takes courage to be yourself, especially if you dont think, dance, sing, eat, laugh, dress, learn, etc. like everyone else and if you are like this you know that people tend to down those who dont "follow the norm" i ask those who have crazy color hair, do you have this color hair because you genuinly(i spelled that wrong) love that color on your head and think it makes you look wonderfully amazing, or do you have it because you want people like me and everyone else to see you 50 miles away...this also applies to everyone else who is trying to be and look different just for is annoying and you insult my existance.
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Monday, November 10, 2008


Do you remeber these hats?....well after a day full of sleep I was reminded of countless cartoons that never failed to draw a sleeping hat on their oddly shaped characters right before they went to bed. I wondered, where do I buy a hat like that...and then my search began.

This hat is a hat specially designed for those women who value the way their hair looks more than life you can see it is made from metal, which would make it very uncomfortable to sleep on, but this shouldn't matter to you fashion-friendly women out there because you know that beauty is pain.

I tried to find the classic sleeping hat, but I guess I am outdated because all that came up in the google feed were these disgraces. This thing has got to be the UGLIEST sleeping hat I have seen in my life...but you can't judge that smile can you

Don't worry guys I found a hat for you too...don't you love the parisian influence and the lovely tint of blue...wouldn't you love to go to bed looking like THIS GUY!!

This has got to be my favorite hat because it probably would come in handy for a person like me...well maybe not...have you ever wanted to go to sleep in public...well just plop this thing on the nearest wall structure and enter dreamworld...

Friday, November 7, 2008

The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
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SOOOOoooo what happens when you wake up and have just realized that nothing you are doing in life is going the way you had anticipated when you left home in August.Hmmm I dunno, maybe you should go back to the drawingboard and come up with a new plan....sooooo what happens when you have to stay an extra hour and a half at work just because they know you will stay if they ask you...soooo what happens when you realize that your mom forgot to pay your phone bill and you have no means of communication with anything because you live in HICKSVILLE...soooo what happens when you cant get any classes you know what know what i do....i go take a nap

Thursday, November 6, 2008

After spending nearly three hours at the school music library listening to old ragtime music, I realized that music is not just an intricate beat and a catchy tune. It's an experience. It evokes different emotions that you feel deep in your soul. It makes you want more and more of it, you can never get tired of it, it can't be "play out", it is timeless. I deeply love the art of music and appreciate all who are passionate about it and try to do it justice by engaging in the art for the experience, not the money.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Random Fact

The average speed for Heinz Ketchup to come out the bottle is 25 miles per year
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AY dIs ya guRl SoPhiA comIn' live frOm Lincoln we dOin biG up hEre in NeBraKuH u knO. i be oN dAt PaPeR chaSe i mAkes my mOney u know i be on dat hustle....and I am making a complete fool out of myself. so yeah, yesterday was the big election day and now we have a black president...yay throw stuff in the air and do the cabbage patch...but anyways its november and its almost turkey day...i actually dont like turkey all that much but yeah, its getting colder and more colorful which means that we are entering the winter season...can anyone say BURRRRRR....well what i'm trying to get at is the year 2009 is only a couple months away...this means that i have one less year to finish my list of things to do before i die...wha wha wha what...a list...yes a list of things to do before i say....I DONT HAVE A LIST....well then MAKE ONE!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Top Design Pick of the Month: Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin draws his influence from the great Andy Warhol's pop paintings. He also is influenced by women(of course), he has stated that when designing in the winter he goes to a cold place and when designing for the summer he goes to a warm place. Anyone can recognize his creations by noticing the red sole on the bottom of the shoe. His shoes are worn by countless of lady celebrities being that he does not design for men...sorry guys...His youthful, yet sophisticated designs are loved around the world and are made for women of all shapes, sizes, and colors...Christian Louboutin,YOU ROCK MY SHOE WORLD!!!!!
Christian Louboutin shoes can be bought by regulars like us at:

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I Rocked the Vote!!!!!!

Today I just participated in what is probably the most important election of the century. Whether you voted democrat or republican, the party that wins will have made history. We will either have our first female vice president or have our first black president. This is an exciting day because everyone who voted has just helped make all of this possible. Unfortunately, some of the people I had the misfortune of standing by were displaying how ignorant they are by vocing their belief that "this country isn't ready for an african-american president...we dont need to be experimenting around with that right now." Please do not vote according to skin color, please vote for the person that will represent what you believe the most.
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Daydream...I fell asleep beneath the flowers

So today i went to the moon, talk about cold. Whoever said the moon was made with cheese was totally lying to everyone. I nearly broke my kneck in freaking crater and I could've sworn I saw orion, I dunno, maybe it was my imagination getting the best of me again...