Monday, December 1, 2008


It is completely understandable to have a healthy self-image, but when you insist on showing, telling, or in most cases writing on the internet about how good you look or about how many pairs of shoes you have. That is NOT COOL. I believe it is important that a person's focus lies on what isn't tangible. For example, family, friends, relationships, or what you do for others. Change your world view from yourself to everyone around you. Giving is way more fulfilling than receiving. Furthermore, what would you do if everything you boast over was taken away. If mother Theresa got all her sandles stolen, it wouldn't matter because what she found important in life, which was helping the sick, sad, and poor in India, can never be taken away. Even after her death she is still remebered. Now don't get me wrong, I love buying shoes, but I realize there is more to life than trying to look better than the next person when I go to school. Yeah I love fashion and dressing up is fun, but I don't act as if I'm better because of what I have. I guess the message that I am trying to convey is nobody cares about what you think you look like and what you have, because in the end you haven't done anything for them and then you will be stuck trying to get more THINGS to get their attention back to you again...its a never ending cycle. Besides the only people that WANT to be around conceited people are shallow, and you don't want to be surrounded by shallow followers do you.

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